Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Little More Air and A Little Less Light

Monday, April 5
Because this blog is designed to be an online journal for Bella and her family, I will go back later and post about her birthday and the weekend. Because this blog is also designed to keep our family and friends updated on Bella's current condition, I will let you know what is going on right now.

Today was my first day home without Lori and the day was fairly routine for a Saturday, but wait a minute, this is Monday! I spent my day running errands, taking care of business, and getting frequent text messages and calls from Lori and John as well as other loved ones checking in on them. We are forever thankful for the thoughts, calls and most of all prayers from all of you.

Baby Bella was taken off oxygen again Sunday night, but they put her back on this morning when one of her lungs was trying to collapse. Doctors have now decided to keep her on the oxygen for a while as a precaution. They continue to be amazed at how developed her lungs are. Praise God! She is even starting to cry louder.

She is still under the light because of jaundice but one light has been removed from overhead. More tests will be performed tonight to check her jaundice levels. Hopefully they will be back to normal because she has become a little dehydrated. Today, I have had an increasing concern for her eating. Bella's little tummy has not been processing her milk properly, but by tonight she was able to process more. So she will hopefully start gaining weight soon. She has alot of catching up to do. The feeding tube will still have to remain in until she is at her 32 week mark.

All in all, John thinks that Bella looks more rested and peaceful today than she did yesterday. John and Lori are resting a little better now and are trying to get rested up in preparation for the difficult times that may be to come.
Please continue to pray for both of them as well as our little Bella.

Love and Blessings,


Virginia McCrory said...

Lori and John,
We are thinking of you and Bella and praying daily at home, Central Church, and Rose Hill Church congregations. There is nothing impossible with our God! Several years ago our good friends, Nikki and Shannon Cobb had a baby, Ty, who was born weighing only 1 lb. and a few ounces. Today he is in school and doing great!
We send our love to ALL of you!
Love, C.H. & Virginia McCrory

Meant to be a mom said...

Praying for you and sweet Bella.